
National Gratitude Month encourages us to embrace the power of gratitude. The more grateful we are, the more present we become – and the more joy we bring into our life. In this season of Thanksgiving and in the spirit of gratitude, we introduced and gifted Gratitude Jars to our employees.

Gratitude Jars are about capturing the spirit of living, celebrating life events, sharing memories, and expressing words of love. We invited our employees to join in a daily practice of recording and storing everything they are thankful for. While many of us understand the importance of being thankful, sometimes we forget to be grateful for the little things – waking up in the morning, having running water or a clean water source, being able to hug our loved ones. The benefit of a gratitude jar is to take note of these little moments that we perhaps take for granted every day. We hope that it becomes a visual reminder of the many blessings our employees have in their lives.


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We will have someone reach out to you to schedule a meeting. Mahalo.